Polar bears are hyper-carnivorous, eating more than 70 percent meat. But WHAT meat?Well lets find out.

Seals. Mainly harp, ringed, harbor and bearded seals. The bears tend to eat them when they come to the surface and then pouncing on the seals. The polar bear can kill these animals with one paw swipe but they often bite as well as swipe. If they miss a shot they will hunt underwater.

Walruses. They tend to take on young ones, weak/old/sick/injured animals or ones that have wandered too far from protection of the other seals in a harem(group). But even a weak one can be deadly. However polar bears can still take on walruses, though it is risky.

Dolphins. Historically, they did not tend to eat them. But global warming has forced them to. They do it the same way as they do to seals. They, however do not feed on all species of dolphins…. They do not hunt orcas. They mainly eat the white-beaked dolphin.

Beluga whales. They hunt the whales like seals and dolphins. But since a beluga is too big to die from just one swipe…This is when they do more biting. They want to avoid the tail which can lead to severe injuries so they often attack the head(see picture at Serge Elia’s answer. Also you can see the bloody face for another clue.).

Narwhals. They hunt them like they do to the previous bear buffets. But when hunting males they must do it with extreme caution as the males can easily kill a polar bear with one tusk stab. Females are not as risky as they do not have tusks so it is much safer to go after the ladies.

Muskox. They will both hunt and scavenge, often willing to have a large meal.And muskox are huge. The mothers often share with cubs though males can be competitive when over a muskox carcass.

Deer. They like to take on medium-sized deer, like caribou(shown in the picture). They like to bite when taking on land animals like muskox and…Well, deer. They often hunt deer when the other foods are scarce.

Birds and their eggs. They are much larger than the birds so they often struggle to defend themselves and their eggs. Polar bears can easily kill birds in a swipe of the paw and they also crack eggs with a swipe of a paw.

A wide variety of fish like chum, salmon, silverfish and herring. With their smell they will detect their meal and hunt underwater. Then once they catch the fish they bring it to land and bite it.

Dead bowhead whales. Bowhead whales are 60 feet long and 44000 pounds, with a polar bear-sized tongue so they cannot hunt it. Instead they scavenge the remains of dead bowhead whales, eat calves killed by orcas and feed on the remains of the whales killed by whalers.

Arctic foxes. Their superior bulk make it much more of a match to a fox. Foxes often eat their leftover food but they have been killed trying to do so. An Arctic fox will even be a meal when disturbing a bear.

Trash. Yup, it might make you scratch your head and say,”why? Why are they eating trash?”. Well the answer is that pollution has made them do so. This is why it is not worth polluting: we won’t learn about them if they do unnatural behaviors.

And last other polar bears. This is another weird behavior. Even cubs are on the menu. They often take on smaller individuals for an easy catch.

But guess what? They have occasionally eaten plants in the summer when ice fades, preferred prey is scarce and grasses grow.

Note: Polar bears are not picky so they will eat almost anything depending on many things. They will even eat starfish. So i did not put every food source there; the list would be too long.